Monday, November 12, 2007

Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers

Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers has got to be a depressing band to be in. Everyone I know who's heard/seen them will agree that they are an amazing band. Unfortunately this is a small list, hence the depressing part. They must know they're awesome but also notice that nobody else does. I think their name is responsible for this simply because it's so easy to misspell. Is it 'ph' or 'v' in Stephen, how many 'l's and 'g's in Kellogg etc. Or maybe that's just me not being able to spell. regardless if you ever have the chance to see this band live do it regardless of cost or difficulty. They are the ultimate "opening act who easily outshines the headliner" so it doesn't matter if you don't like the band they're playing under. You can leave and it will still feel worth your while and your money. This leads me to today's recording; Flower in Rain off of their self titled release.

***Flower In Rain (S.K. & 6ers cover)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds great--everything comes together very well