Monday, March 23, 2009

Some movies and the end of an era
Greg over at Confounded Fret Buzz has a penchant for writing the occasional Boston Red Sox post, so I thought I'd sneak one in before him about this. Curt Schilling, blogger, conservative wind-bag and post-season pitcher extraordinaire has decided to hang up the old cleats once and for all. Though, given his admiration for Roger Clemens, it could be argued that we have another 3 or 4 partial seasons of Schil to look forward to. I don't actually think that will happen because Curt a. loves his own reputation too much to tarnish it, and b. won't do the steroids and human growth hormone required to make such a comeback. We Boston fans will always have the bloody sock to remember him by and Phillies and D-Backs fans will always have memories of him when he was young and good. Orioles fans will always be able to say "We had Curt Schilling? When was this?" Well actually if the Orioles had fans, then that's what they would say. But they don't so they stay quiet (Yeah I said it, come get some).

Anyhoo... I had a marathon weekend of watching movies. I watched Run, Fat Boy, Run with Simon Pegg; Room Service with The Marx Brothers and all but the last 12 minutes of The Great Escape starring none other but Steve McQueen. Let me tell you, The Great Escape is one long-ass movie, weighing in at a whopping 172 minutes (that's 8 minutes short of 3 hours for those of you dodgy on the whole math thing). Then, with less than 15 minutes to go in the movie, everything over but the crying, the dvd freezes and refuses to play any more. I try everything I can but to no avail. So now I have to wait like 3 days to see the last 12 minutes of this stupid movie. Other than that it was really good movie. Steve is kind of the typical American surrounded by Brits. He's a baseball loving cowboy type who doesn't want to plan ahead, he's just working on a wing an a prayer. Charles Bronson plays an RAF officer who's thick Polish accent was never fully explained to me (a quick wikipedia scan tells me he defected).

The other two movies were pretty much exactly what I would have expected, great comedic actors being brought down a little bit by their circumstances. In Run,Fat Boy, Run Simon Pegg and Dylan Moran are held back a bit by the more bankable romantic comedy genre and, I like to think, by having that ass-clown David Schwimmer directing. Room Service is kinda on the low end in terms of Marx Brother's movies, probably because it wasn't written for them. Also I thought that they didn't really get a whole lot of use out of Lucille Ball. Her character could have easily been played by anyone else and I also missed Margaret Dumont the usual female lead in Marx Brothers films.

I leave you now with a song for each news item:

Curt - Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline
Great Escape - Underoath - Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape
Run, Fat Boy, Run - The Falcon - When I Give the Signal, Run!
Room Service - Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers on a Hotel Bed

Financial Support Goes Here
Neil Diamond
The Falcon
Death Cab For Cutie


Unknown said...

David Schwimmer is an ass-clown. Though I thought Dylan Moran was absolutely fantastic, as usual, and not bogged down because his character had no romantic interests in sight.

Also, he has a saggy butt.

Beckie Moses said...

your schil comments made me laugh.
i miss you!