Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My girlfriend just told me "I love you" in Klingon

First off, in reference to the Neko Case debate from yesterday, I have just been informed by my remarkably hip and indie-informed parents that she is moving to Vermont, so I will be awarding her extra points for accessibility. Jenny Lewis however remains in the lead owing primarily to Michelle Nolan's dropping off my radar in a big way.

In other news, IGN (dunno what that stands for) have released a list of "10 Must Hear Hardcore Bands." I quite liked their list of top 10 punk drummers but I was less impressed by this one. I would have appreciated a little more warning that it was in fact a list of up-and-coming hardcore bands, because when I think 'must hear' I think, well, 'must hear' not 'could someday be 'must hear.'' But other than that I enjoyed it (enough even to repost it here!!!). Good to see some smaller hardcore bands getting solid exposure.

Finally, in more cringe-worthy news: A cd of anime actresses singing punk classics is being released and PunkNews hooked its readers up with a link to a preveiw of it and it is just as awful as you would assume. Somehow it's like Alvin and the Chipmunks after being force fed gallon after gallon of high fructose corn syrup (WHICH IS NOT FINE IN MODERATION GOD DAMNIT I HATE THOSE ADS). So for those of you who haven't ground a millimeter or so off your teeth today here's the preveiw:

Final note: I am without a positive or negative opinion regarding the statement which constitutes the title of this post.

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