Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Stuff From the Web II

Forgetters - A while back I was very excited about a new project from Jawbreaker's Blake Schwarzenbach. That band broke up without releasing an album. But now he's in another band with the original drummer from Against Me! and we are excited about this. They have a blog which I follow and if you like this you could as well. Also apparently Blake's not too solid on how this song begins.

Sea Shepherd gets the most badass boat in the history of ever
- the blog Green Is The New Red had this article about a boat that the Sea Shepherd just got. It's essentially an aquatic batmobil. That's all I can say without quoting the article which is worth reading in its not-too-long entirety.

Jawbreaker - Shield Your Eyes ( the Bivouac version)

The Sidekicks - Go! Go! Go! Green! Green! Green! (Turns out finding songs to do with that second story was a lot harder than I predicted)

Financial Support Goes Here


The Sidekicks

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