Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Review: iwrestledabearonce - It's All Happening

When I was in high school and I first heard the band The Distillers, I was very fond to getting people to listen to 'The Hunger' and asking what gender they thought the lead singer was. People would invariably answer "A dude?" and I would laugh that they had been taken in by Brody Dalle's guttural vocals. I tell you this because iwrestledabearonce's singer Krysta Cameron makes Dalle sound a touch castrati. This girl is brutal. Those of you who attended Clark University's Noise Day event last year will be put in mind of Providence's Tinsel Teeth.

Let me be frank; if you don't like hardcore music, iwrestledabearonce's first full length It's All Happening is not going to be the album that opens that particular horizon for you. This album is gnarly. In places it's more grindcore than anything else and by that I mean many people will find it un-listenable. That said, there's some interesting stuff to be had here. The band is clearly drawing from some seriously diverse influences. Witness the country break in "You Ain't No Family" complete with fiddle and slide guitar, the dance beats in "See You In Shell" or the techno beats sprinkled liberally throughout the album. As throaty and terrifying as Cameron's screaming is, her voice is surprisingly nice when not being shredded and she does her fair share of clean vocals on a majority of songs. Other than that, this album is decently standard hardcore fare. There's some guitar pyrotechnics, there's a crushing breakdown or two. The songs all have clever offbeat names that are quirky pop culture references ("Tastes Like Kevin Bacon") and there are little moments of ambient music here and there as is currently the style in some areas of hardcore. If I had to pick a single band to share fans with this I would probably say Horse the Band. Or Band of Horses because they're basically the same thing (but seriously, only that first one).

Mp3's removed upon request.

iwrestledabearonce - Tastes Like Kevin Bacon ****

iwrestledabearonce - You Ain't No Family

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