Monday, April 13, 2009

Non-Hetero-Centric Post

A long time ago, I bought two records by the band Latterman. One of my favorite parts about the accompanying lyrical materials was a short note by the band apologizing for the fact that one of the songs was less than relevant for non-heterosexual listeners. That's my weak ass intro for today's post which will feature items of a homosexual theme. First off I'm a little late in declaring this, but I'm proud of my state being the first to legalize gay marriage via legislation, especially since we got to tell our governor Jim Douglas where he could stick his veto.

But for the most part I wrote this post because Newsweek did an article about Pansy Division who is apparently putting out a new album. Newsweek apparently saw a perfect opportunity to do a little gay rights, Prop 8 tie-in with this story while I see it mostly as an excuse to post an Pansy Division song.

Final note: I think it's hilarious when mainstream media talks about punk bands because they lose all authority. Punk is a scary foreign concept that they've certainly heard of, but they were pretty sure it died in the late 70's before being resurrected by such punk stalwarts as Green Day and Good Charlotte with the distaff being brought by Avril Lavigne and Gwen Stefani.

Pansy Division - Cowboys are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each Other

Financial Support Goes Here

Pansy Division

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