Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I hate April fools day. For one thing, I don't really know how to punctuate it. Does 'fools' have an apostrophe? Does the day belong to the fool who is the official fool of the month of April, the fool laureate if you will? Or do I leave out the apostrophe making this the day named for the many fools of April, the fools being many but not necessarily in possession of the day itself.

Besides grammar/punctuation worries, I dislike the day because you can't trust anything that seems too good to be true. So many news sources you'd like to be able to trust 365 goddamn days out of the year think it's a laugh riot to print the first pack of lies that comes into their heads (Boston Dirt Dogs I'm looking at you, I was so happy for Bill Lee there for a second).

All this means that I have no way of knowing whether or not to believe reports that as the result of a lost bet, Rise Against will be releasing an original 7" with their old label Fat Wreck Chords. Honestly I'm mostly excited about this because it's nice to see the Tim and co. breaking away from the increasingly rigid role of major label roster membership. I'm not going to bore you with my thoughts on "selling out" (the fact that I put it in quotes should be enough to show you I'm at least conflicted) but suffice it to say this news made me happy. If only I could be sure it was true.

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