Friday, July 16, 2010

Review: Austin Lucas - Sombody Loves You

So this is what might best be described as a bluegrass album and I don't know a whole lot about bluegrass, and while my ignorance has never deterred me before, I'm probably going to keep this relatively short. Somebody Loves You is the newest album from Austin Lucas who skyrocketed to the attention of the world (sort of) with his participation on the Revival Tour alongside such greats as Chuck Ragan (Hot Water Music), Tim Barry (Avail), Ben Nichols (Lucero) and Tom Gabel (some other band).

As for the music on the album, as I said before, I'm not the biggest fan of bluegrass-y type music, but even I think it's pretty great. Austin can play guitar pretty well, he's got a strong voice that he can really work and he writes a decent song musically and lyrically. That's pretty much all you need isn't it? It doesn't hurt that his daddy used to work with Alison Krauss and helped him with making the album. Some of these songs are kinda slow and don't stand out to me as much but about half of them are real barn-burners. I've never really understood quite what a barn-burner was besides a rural arsonist. I imagine it's the sort of song that makes you spill your mason jar of moonshine over the lantern flame causing a conflagration. If that is the case than I think you'll find my usage was correct. Anyway, there's not much more I can say about this album that Austin himself, and his big ernest face can't tell you better. Here he is in the video for what I think is far and away the best song on the album, if not in his catalogue:

Austin Lucas - Somebody Loves You

Austin Lucas - Go West

Financial Support Goes Here

Austin Lucas

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