I've talked

There's a huge amount going on in this album. To abuse a cliche, this isn't your daddy's punk rock band. The lyrics are subtle and articulate and the subject matters vary from the staunchly political 5 To 9 to the practically acapella, shouted love song that is I have My Books. Words Written Over Coffee even has harmonica and as tempting as is it to make a 'Gaslight Anthem watch your back' joke, I don't think there's a reason to sully this.
For those of you reading this and thinking "But Keegan, I'm a punk, I don't like acapella or Harmonica, is there something on this album for me?" Don't get your studded belt in a knot, the answer is a resounding yes. The bizarrely named They Rode On In The Friscalating Dusklight should provide your daily value of whoas while the "single" off the album We Are Wild Stallions is all the fist-in-the-air singalong anthem you could ever hope for, especially in its big final build. Rest assured that they'll get away with this.
In a final strange note this is the second album that I've really fallen in love with that has the intros to certain songs on the ends of the songs before them (the first was Lemuria's last full length, reviewed here). TRB does it best on Fists with the end of 5 To 9 which transitions into You Can't Sexy Dance To Punk Rock. Listened to back to back the first song ends, and then a kickin' drum intro starts, they throw in a little guitar feedback, and finally there's an equally kickin' pick slide (aren't they all?) and then the second song begins right at the verse. However, if you listen to Sexy Dance by itself, it just comes in at the verse and sounds all kinds of bad ass and awesome. Don't be surprised though, this is a bad ass and awesome album by a bad ass and awesome band. A band that maybe could play a show in the Worcester/Boston area soon??? Huh?
I'm going to post the video from the old post again, because you can never watch it too many times. Also I'm posting You Can't Sexy Dance To Punk Rock so you can all hear how awesome it sounds by itself. To hear how great it sounds with the intro, you're just gonna have to buy the album. Which you should probably do anyway.
The Riot Before - "We Are Wild Stallions!" from Dave O'Dell on Vimeo.
The Riot Before - You Can't Sexy Dance To Punk Rock
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