Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This just in: Science kicks ass. That's right people Science with a capital 'S.' Science as an institution has long been towards the top of my list of "vague things of which I approve" (oh yeah that's a real list. also on it are 'Birds-and Beasts' as well as 'Organized Youth Sports') mostly for Science's work pissing off religious zealots and occasionally uncovering the wonders of the world in which we live. But now we can love Science for its impeccable taste in music. An article here which I was sent to from punknews.org, describes a newly discovered bird from the Cretaceous era (I'll take words I never thought I'd have to spell for a hundred Alex) which they describe as a sort of 'Screaming Roadrunner.' Just when you thought it couldn't get any cooler, they've named the bird after Lucero. As in, the band Lucero. But if you read the article, there's no explanation. None. Not even a "well the scientists were jamming out super hard to the band's most recent album as they were working on the dig" nothing. Everyone seems to think that this is completely reasonable which I think says good things about archiologists and again, Science in general.

Lucero - The Mountain

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