Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This is awful

For someone who believes in the importance of community in music as much as I do, I sure do a lot of shit-talking. That said, when brought the existence of this video to my attention I realized that I really wanted to do a post on it.

I don't know exactly what about this bothers me so much. I think I could start by pointing out how blatant a rip-off of New Found Glory this is. Starting with the lead singer, who's voice seems to be calculated to mesh perfectly with that of a 14 year old girl, it progresses through the bros-before-hos lyrical content reminiscent of "My Friends Over You" and layers it all over the sort of bubblegum hardcore riffs and drums that NFG and later Fallout Boy would build their careers upon. Even the promising (to me) gang vocal lead-in to the (albeit cookie-cutter) break down got ruined by the falsetto garbage that carried on straight through.

On the video side of things, the viewer is allowed to pick their poison. Will you find the 'Mean Girls'-esque background action grating to the nerves or will it be the ubiquitous food fight that concludes the video? Will you be more annoyed by the range of stereotypically scenester outfits the band is clad in or concentrating on the obnoxious posturing of the lead singer? The finger-pointing and elbow waving alone are enough to do it for me.

On the positive side, I have to admit that for the godawful bubblegum pop that this is, it is at least done well. The hooks are hooky, the chorus memorable (sort of) and the breakdown is a clearly a breakdown without you needing to worry about getting roundhouse kicked by a guy named 'Somerville Pete.' If I were a teenage girl looking to diversify an mp3 player already overfull with Rufio and Cartel I would snap this up.

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