Friday, December 21, 2007

Lots of apologies to anyone still tuning in

As the title says, I'm really sorry about the dearth of new posts/ recordings of late. For a while there I was trying to get through finals with tests to be studied for and papers to be written and I couldn't really spend the hour and a half or so I spend a night trying to figure out what to play let alone actually recording it and posting it. Now that the semester is over and I am back home I have only to clean up my room enough to set up the mic stand without breaking things. The good news though is that the blog should be back in a couple of days and the better news is that I'm going to be doing a bunch of original bits of songs and complete songs so I can get them in there before people realize that I'm doing the blog again.

Also: Tautology is my word of the week. Look it up and if you see me try to get me to use it so that it becomes part of my vocabulary. The prize for this game is that if you do it and remind me, I will write you a song of thanks. (I know, I know "pretty super duper prize there Keegan!")

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