Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Slightly Video Heavy Entry

It's A/V time kids!!!!

But seriously, lotta video content, comin' atcha! (Why I am the way that I am?)

First off, the youngest of the bands that I'm in, the amusingly named Go Home, played our first show ever on Friday in a Battle of the Bands sponsored by my alma mater. Go Home has Sean and I from Kid Omega, Adam Linder from Sister City/(Person) (Noun) and Tristan Shippen from.....ITS (yup that's happening). The good news is: we won!!! The better news is: we got it all on video!!! In the interest of brevity I'm not going to post every song but I would encourage you to go watch them all here. Since I'm incredibly self-centered though, I'm going to post the one I sing on. Some of you may recognize it, it's a Kid Omega song (we haven't written enough Go Home songs, so we did one Kid O and three from Adam's projects). To be honest I'm posting it because it amuses me the most. Be sure to notice the number of times I drop lyrics or forget I'm supposed to be singing and Adam has to save me.

There, wasn't that fun? I thought so too. In other news, I've finished all the music for the new Kid O record, now I'm just finishing up some lyrics and we'll be in business. Maybe I'll even throw some demos up here and it'll be like the old days.

If you'll allow me to get a little serious now dear readers, life isn't all rock and roll dreams of winning battles and making money so let's end things on a serious note. Here's the video for the last song Warren Zevon ever wrote as well as his last appearance on David Letterman. I could be wrong but I think Dave stops several times to collect himself.

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