With his hair and beard all Jesus-ed up, John Nolan (formerly of Straylight Run and even more formerly of Taking Back Sunday) kinda looks like Tim Kasher (of Cursive fame, but you knew that):
Financial Support Goes Here Straylight Run Cursive (if you don't own this you should actually probably buy it. In my opinion, their best record, ever. The Mountain Goats
Citizens of Massachusetts: shame on you! You have failed all of us and it is a dark dark day. But to brighten to day for the rest of us, here's this little dude, thanks to Amanda Ferri:
This just in: Science kicks ass. That's right people Science with a capital 'S.' Science as an institution has long been towards the top of my list of "vague things of which I approve" (oh yeah that's a real list. also on it are 'Birds-and Beasts' as well as 'Organized Youth Sports') mostly for Science's work pissing off religious zealots and occasionally uncovering the wonders of the world in which we live. But now we can love Science for its impeccable taste in music. An article here which I was sent to from punknews.org, describes a newly discovered bird from the Cretaceous era (I'll take words I never thought I'd have to spell for a hundred Alex) which they describe as a sort of 'Screaming Roadrunner.' Just when you thought it couldn't get any cooler, they've named the bird after Lucero. As in, the band Lucero. But if you read the article, there's no explanation. None. Not even a "well the scientists were jamming out super hard to the band's most recent album as they were working on the dig" nothing. Everyone seems to think that this is completely reasonable which I think says good things about archiologists and again, Science in general.
I'm back, and I figured to kick off a new year of blog-alation I should go with an old stand-by, the STBYM franchise, now in its seventh edition. Today's song is one I'd heard a while back, but it recently came up on shuffle, instantly got stuck in my head and I've been listening to it ever since. It's "Skate or Die" by a band named Teenage Bottle Rocket and it's exactly what pop-punk should be. I don't mean pop punk like Paramore or Green Day (not that there's too much wrong with that), I mean music that draws its influence from bands like MTX, The Queers and, if you peel away enough layers, eventually The Ramones. This song is short, fast, catchy-as-hell and just anti-establishment enough without being overbearing.
In other news, I have a new found respect (just a little) for Keith Urban, who in his acceptance speech at the People's Choice Awards said he didn't care if people downloaded his album for free or gave it to their friends. To be fair he didn't have the chutzpah to add "because I'm married to Nicole Kidman so I could care less aboutthe pennies I make from music" but still, for those of you keeping score at home: Keith Urban - 1 Metallica - 0.
If you're wondering if that whole story was just so I could take a shot at Metallica, it's a distinct possibility.
I play bass and occasionally guitar in a band called Kid Omega. I also play bass in a band called Britney's Spear. I live primarily in Worcester, MA. Sometimes in Vermont.